Super Rugby Pacific
Fijian Drua vs ACT Brumbies

Fijian Drua
ACT Brumbies
  • Time Sat, Apr 9, 2022, 9:45 AM
  • Location Suncorp Stadium
  • Referee Nic Berry
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
ACT Brumbies
ACT Brumbies
  • Ratave64'
  • Ratave48'
  • Wright80'
  • McInerney60'
  • Pollard45'
  • Clark18'
  • Wright4'
  • Tela49'
  • Lonergan81'
  • Lonergan61'
  • White46'
  • White19'
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
ACT Brumbies
ACT Brumbies
28Defenders Beaten17
3Clean Breaks6
17Turnovers Conceded15
17Missed Tackles28
6Turnovers Won9
8Kicks in Play17
0/1Penalty GoalsN/A
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
197Kick From Hand Metres415
7In Touch13
4Opponent Collection10
7Possession Lost14
0Possession Retained2
86Rucks Won78
6Rucks Lost1
93%Rucks Success Rate98%
0Mauls Won8
Set Plays
7Lineouts Won13
2Lineouts Lost1
77%Lineouts Success Rate92%
9Scrums Won9
0Scrums Lost0
100%Scrums Success Rate100%
47%First Half53%
48%Second Half52%
65%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins35%
10Penalties Conceded9
0Red Cards0
1Yellow Cards0
6Penalty Conceded Own Half1
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
ACT Brumbies
ACT Brumbies
Haereiti Hetet
1Haereiti Hetet
James Slipper
1James Slipper
Mesulame Dolokoto
2Mesulame Dolokoto
Billy Pollard
2Billy Pollard
Samuela Tawake
3Samuela Tawake
Sefo Kautai
3Sefo Kautai
Viliame Rarasea
4Viliame Rarasea
Darcy Swain
4Darcy Swain
Isoa Nasilasila
5Isoa Nasilasila
Tom Hooper
5Tom Hooper
Joseva Tamani
6Joseva Tamani
Ed Kennedy
6Ed Kennedy
Vilive Miramira
7Vilive Miramira
Luke Reimer
7Luke Reimer
Meli Derenalagi
8Meli Derenalagi (C)
Rob Valetini
8Rob Valetini
Frank Lomani
9Frank Lomani
Nic White
9Nic White (C)
Teti Tela
10Teti Tela
Rodney Iona
10Rodney Iona
Vinaya Habosi
11Vinaya Habosi
Andy Muirhead
11Andy Muirhead
Tuidraki Samusamuvodre
12Tuidraki Samusamuvodre
Irae Simone
12Irae Simone
Apisalome Vota
13Apisalome Vota
Len Ikitau
13Len Ikitau
Onisi Ratave
14Onisi Ratave
Cam Clark
14Cam Clark
Kitione Ratu
15Kitione Ratu
Tom Wright
15Tom Wright
Tevita Ikanivere
16Tevita Ikanivere
Connal McInerney
16Connal McInerney
Timoci Sauvoli
17Timoci Sauvoli
Scott Sio
17Scott Sio
Jone Tiko
18Jone Tiko
Tom Ross
18Tom Ross
Zuriel Togiatama
19Zuriel Togiatama
Nick Frost
19Nick Frost
Raikabula Momoedonu
20Raikabula Momoedonu
Rory Scott
20Rory Scott
Rusiate Nasove
21Rusiate Nasove
Ryan Lonergan
21Ryan Lonergan
Simione Kuruvoli
22Simione Kuruvoli
Hudson Creighton
22Hudson Creighton
Kitione Taliga
23Kitione Taliga
Ollie Sapsford
23Ollie Sapsford
Mick Byrne
Stephen Larkham
81End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
81Conversion - KickedRyan Lonergan converts the try.
80Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by ACT Brumbies is finished off by Tom Wright
80Try AssistOllie Sapsford sets up the try.
80Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Ollie Sapsford bursts through to advance the ACT Brumbies attack.
75Substitution onZuriel Togiatama comes on.
75Substitution offKitione Ratu comes off.
72Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Raikabula Momoedonu getting some game time.
72Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Vilive Miramira being replaced.
70Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Jone Tiko getting some game time.
70Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Samuela Tawake being replaced.
68Substitution onACT Brumbies make a substitution with Ollie Sapsford coming on.
68Substitution offACT Brumbies make a substitution with Cam Clark coming off.
66Conversion - Missed LeftSimione Kuruvoli curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
64Try - Close rangeFijian Drua are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Onisi Ratave touching down.
64Substitution onFijian Drua sub Timoci Sauvoli comes onto the field.
64Substitution offHaereiti Hetet departs for Fijian Drua.
64Substitution onFijian Drua sub Kitione Taliga comes onto the field.
64Substitution offVinaya Habosi departs for Fijian Drua.
62Substitution onFijian Drua sub Simione Kuruvoli comes onto the field.
62Substitution offTuidraki Samusamuvodre departs for Fijian Drua.
61Conversion - KickedThe ACT Brumbies supporters go wild as Ryan Lonergan successfully kicks the conversion.
60Try - Close rangeACT Brumbies are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Connal McInerney touching down.
59Substitution onHudson Creighton comes on for ACT Brumbies.
59Substitution offLen Ikitau leaves the field.
57Substitution onRyan Lonergan comes on for ACT Brumbies.
57Substitution offNic White leaves the field.
57Substitution onTom Ross comes on for ACT Brumbies.
57Substitution offSefo Kautai leaves the field.
54Substitution onRusiate Nasove comes on.
54Substitution offViliame Rarasea comes off.
54Substitution onTevita Ikanivere comes on.
54Substitution offMesulame Dolokoto comes off.
51Substitution onNick Frost comes on.
51Substitution offDarcy Swain comes off.
51Substitution onConnal McInerney comes on.
51Substitution offBilly Pollard comes off.
51Substitution onScott Sio comes on.
51Substitution offJames Slipper comes off.
49Conversion - KickedTeti Tela adds the two points for Fijian Drua.
48Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Fijian Drua leads to a try for Onisi Ratave.
48Try AssistKitione Ratu sets up the try.
48Clean BreakKitione Ratu makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
46Conversion - KickedNic White adds the two points for ACT Brumbies.
45Try - Rolling maulThe ACT Brumbies maul march their way over the white wash for Billy Pollard to touch down.
43Clean BreakAndy Muirhead makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
43Clean BreakAndy Muirhead makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
41Substitution onACT Brumbies make a substitution with Rory Scott coming on.
41Substitution offACT Brumbies make a substitution with Nick Frost coming off.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
40Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Nick Frost comes onto the field.
40Substitution offRory Scott departs for ACT Brumbies.
40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
40Clean BreakFabulous play by Fijian Drua has led to Ratu Meli Derenalagi being able to wriggle through a gap.
34Clean BreakFabulous play by ACT Brumbies has led to Cam Clark being able to wriggle through a gap.
24Substitution onACT Brumbies decide to make a substitution, with Rory Scott getting some game time.
24Substitution offACT Brumbies decide to make a substitution, with Ed Kennedy being replaced.
21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Onisi Ratave bursts through to advance the Fijian Drua attack.
19Conversion - KickedNic White converts the try.
18Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by ACT Brumbies is finished off by Cam Clark
18Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Cam Clark bursts through to advance the ACT Brumbies attack.
18Try AssistAndy Muirhead sets up the try.
10Penalty Goal - Missed LeftTeti Tela steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the left.
5Conversion - Hit Left PostNic White hits the left post with the conversion, failing to add the two points.
4Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by ACT Brumbies leads to a try for Tom Wright
4Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Tom Wright goes through the gap.
4Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Rodney Iona.
2Yellow cardTuidraki Samusamuvodre (Fijian Drua) is shown a yellow card
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.