Super Rugby Pacific
ACT Brumbies vs Fijian Drua

ACT Brumbies
Fijian Drua
  • Time Sat, May 4, 2024, 9:35 AM
  • Location GIO Stadium
  • Referee Nic Berry
ACT Brumbies
ACT Brumbies
Fijian Drua
Fijian Drua
  • Reimer65'
  • Ikitau36'
  • Alaalatoa7'
  • Ikitau5'
  • Kuruvoli50'
  • Nasilasila39'
  • Lolesio67'
  • Lolesio37'
  • Lolesio9'
  • Lolesio6'
  • Armstrong-Ravula52'
  • Armstrong-Ravula40'
    Penalty Goals
    • Armstrong-Ravula69'
    • Armstrong-Ravula34'
    ACT Brumbies
    ACT Brumbies
    Fijian Drua
    Fijian Drua
    15Defenders Beaten32
    4Clean Breaks5
    11Turnovers Conceded11
    32Missed Tackles15
    10Turnovers Won5
    20Kicks in Play11
    N/APenalty Goals2/2
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down0
    426Kick From Hand Metres296
    13In Touch16
    12Opponent Collection4
    25Possession Lost21
    3Possession Retained1
    71Rucks Won79
    4Rucks Lost7
    94%Rucks Success Rate91%
    8Mauls Won6
    Set Plays
    13Lineouts Won13
    0Lineouts Lost2
    100%Lineouts Success Rate86%
    3Scrums Won12
    1Scrums Lost0
    75%Scrums Success Rate100%
    48%First Half52%
    43%Second Half56%
    34%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins66%
    16Penalties Conceded11
    0Red Cards0
    1Yellow Cards0
    10Penalty Conceded Own Half4
    ACT Brumbies
    ACT Brumbies
    Fijian Drua
    Fijian Drua
    James Slipper
    1James Slipper
    Haereiti Hetet
    1Haereiti Hetet
    Connal McInerney
    2Connal McInerney
    Tevita Ikanivere
    2Tevita Ikanivere
    Allan Alaalatoa
    3Allan Alaalatoa (C)
    Mesake Doge
    3Mesake Doge
    Nick Frost
    4Nick Frost
    Mesake Vocevoce
    4Mesake Vocevoce
    Tom Hooper
    5Tom Hooper
    Isoa Nasilasila
    5Isoa Nasilasila
    Jahrome Brown
    6Jahrome Brown
    Vilive Miramira
    6Vilive Miramira
    Rory Scott
    7Rory Scott
    Kitione Salawa
    7Kitione Salawa
    Rob Valetini
    8Rob Valetini
    Meli Derenalagi
    8Meli Derenalagi (C)
    Harrison Goddard
    9Harrison Goddard
    Peni Matawalu
    9Peni Matawalu
    Noah Lolesio
    10Noah Lolesio
    Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
    10Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula
    Ollie Sapsford
    11Ollie Sapsford
    Taniela Rakuro
    11Taniela Rakuro
    Tamati Tua
    12Tamati Tua
    Michael Naitokani
    12Michael Naitokani
    Len Ikitau
    13Len Ikitau
    Iosefo Masi
    13Iosefo Masi
    Andy Muirhead
    14Andy Muirhead
    Iliesa Junior Ratuva
    14Iliesa Junior Ratuva
    Tom Wright
    15Tom Wright
    Selestino Ravutaumada
    15Selestino Ravutaumada
    Liam Bowron
    16Liam Bowron
    Mesulame Dolokoto
    16Mesulame Dolokoto
    Harry Vella
    17Harry Vella
    Emosi Tuqiri
    17Emosi Tuqiri
    Sefo Kautai
    18Sefo Kautai
    Samu Tawake
    18Samu Tawake
    Darcy Swain
    19Darcy Swain
    Ratu Rotuisolia
    19Ratu Rotuisolia
    Luke Reimer
    20Luke Reimer
    Motikiai Murray
    20Motikiai Murray
    Ryan Lonergan
    21Ryan Lonergan
    Simione Kuruvoli
    21Simione Kuruvoli
    Declan Meredith
    22Declan Meredith
    Kemu Valetini
    22Kemu Valetini
    Hudson Creighton
    23Hudson Creighton
    Epeli Momo
    23Epeli Momo
    Stephen Larkham
    Glen Jackson
    82End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    81Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Iosefo Masi bursts through to advance the Fijian Drua attack.
    78Substitution onHudson Creighton comes on.
    78Substitution offTamati Tua comes off.
    77Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Epeli Momo bursts through to advance the Fijian Drua attack.
    74Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Epeli Momo getting some game time.
    74Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Iliesa Junior Ratuva being replaced.
    71Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Emosi Tuqiri getting some game time.
    71Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Haereiti Hetet being replaced.
    71Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Samuela Tawake getting some game time.
    71Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Mesake Doge being replaced.
    70Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Motikiai Murray getting some game time.
    70Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Vilive Miramira being replaced.
    69Penalty Goal - KickedThe Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula successfully kicks the penalty goal.
    67Substitution onFijian Drua make a substitution with Kemu Valetini coming on.
    67Substitution offFijian Drua make a substitution with Michael Naitokani coming off.
    67Conversion - KickedThe ACT Brumbies supporters go wild as Noah Lolesio successfully kicks the conversion.
    65Try - Close rangeACT Brumbies are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Luke Reimer touching down.
    60Substitution onFijian Drua sub Ratu Rotuisolia comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offMesake Vocevoce departs for Fijian Drua.
    60Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Luke Reimer comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offRory Scott departs for ACT Brumbies.
    60Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Liam Bowron comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offConnal McInerney departs for ACT Brumbies.
    60Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Darcy Swain comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offTom Hooper departs for ACT Brumbies.
    60Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Sefo Kautai comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offAllan Alaalatoa departs for ACT Brumbies.
    60Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Rory Scott comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offSefo Kautai departs for ACT Brumbies.
    59Substitution onMesulame Dolokoto comes on for Fijian Drua.
    59Substitution offTevita Ikanivere leaves the field.
    57Substitution onRyan Lonergan comes on for ACT Brumbies.
    57Substitution offHarrison Goddard leaves the field.
    54Clean BreakWhat a run here by Tom Wright as they get over the gainline!
    52Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula kicks the conversion.
    50Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Simione Kuruvoli from scoring as they record the try for Fijian Drua.
    50Try AssistMeli Derenalagi sets up the try.
    50Substitution onSefo Kautai comes on.
    50Substitution offRory Scott comes off.
    50Yellow cardHarry Vella (ACT Brumbies) is shown a yellow card
    49Substitution onFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Simione Kuruvoli getting some game time.
    49Substitution offFijian Drua decide to make a substitution, with Peni Matawalu being replaced.
    45Clean BreakPeni Matawalu makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    40Conversion - KickedIsaiah Armstrong-Ravula adds the two points for Fijian Drua.
    39Try - Rolling maulThe Fijian Drua maul pushes over the tryline as Isoa Nasilasila scores.
    37Conversion - KickedNoah Lolesio does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    36Try - From kickA perfectly weighted kick allows Len Ikitau to score the try.
    36Clean BreakFabulous play by ACT Brumbies has led to Len Ikitau being able to wriggle through a gap.
    36Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Tamati Tua.
    35Substitution onACT Brumbies sub Harry Vella comes onto the field.
    35Substitution offJames Slipper departs for ACT Brumbies.
    34Penalty Goal - KickedThe Fijian Drua supporters go wild as Isaiah Armstrong-Ravula successfully kicks the penalty goal.
    14Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Meli Derenalagi took full advantage.
    10Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Selestino Ravutaumada took full advantage.
    9Conversion - KickedNoah Lolesio has kicked a conversion.
    7Try - Close rangeACT Brumbies are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Allan Alaalatoa touching down.
    7Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Jahrome Brown.
    7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Andy Muirhead goes through the gap.
    7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Len Ikitau goes through the gap.
    6Conversion - KickedNoah Lolesio has kicked a conversion.
    5Try - Close rangeACT Brumbies are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Len Ikitau touching down.
    5Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Harrison Goddard.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.