Plus500 Brumbies announce response to Covid-19 Pandemic

Tue, Mar 31, 2020, 7:00 AM
by Brumbies.Rugby

Following Rugby Australia’s statement this afternoon regarding the steps the national body has been forced to put in place to protect the future of the game, the Plus500 Brumbies have also announced its response to protect the organisation, its players, staff, clubs and wider rugby community during the global COVID-19 pandemic.


Over the past weeks the organisation and all Australian Super Rugby franchises have been working with Rugby Australia to look at different models of how our game may look moving forward.


After this process, and following the welcomed Federal Government 'JobKeeper' initiative, the organisation will offer a significant number of staff reduced hours, while a small number of staff will continue working full time but with significant salary reductions. 


These measures will be implemented from 1 April through until at least 30 June 2020. 


The organisation thanks the Australian Government for the new JobKeeper stimulus package which has allowed us to retain staff to provide limited services during this extremely difficult time. 


It would also like thank all partners, stakeholders and all our members and fans for their ongoing support in what is an unprecedented set of circumstances.


Rugby Australia and The Rugby Union Players' Association have commenced discussions in relation to what measures contracted players across all Super Rugby franchises will be asked to bear during this period of time where there is no rugby being played.


Plus500 Brumbies CEO Phil Thomson said: "This is the hardest decision ever made by the Plus500 Brumbies as an organisation and also for myself personally.


"The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt right across society and what we have had to implement today is the first step in trying to ensure the Brumbies remain viable into the future. 


"Our staff and players are the fabric of the Brumbies family and an essential part of our future and will be an extremely important part of our recovery from this unprecedented situation.


"I cannot thank them all enough for their incredible work and for what everyone has been able to achieve so far this year both on and off the field and I'm sorry we are in this situation.


"We are an organisation with a long and proud history, with our foundations built on overcoming adversity and displaying resilience.


"I am confident that the Brumbies Family will bounce back."


