Our Culture

Charity and Requests
Major Charity sponsor

GIVIT is the smart way to give.

Through GIVIT.org.au, public and corporate generosity is directed to support vulnerable people and communities in Australia.

Working with thousands of community organisations, GIVIT ensures people get what they need when they need it most – whether recovering from a disaster event, or experiencing hardship due to circumstances such as drought, domestic and family violence, homelessness, disability, and mental health.


For all charity requests, please email Lisa Smith. 

General Requests
The Brumbies continue to support numerous charities with players and coaching staff attending community, school, charity, hospital and other events in the Southern NSW region every year.
Brumbies Helping Hearts 2022

The Brumbies receive many requests from charities and other organisations each week.

We try to accommodate as many requests as possible but please be aware that player schedules and competing demands mean that not all requests can be accommodated.

All requests must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the event.

We will respond to your written request once a decision about your event/function has been made.

All approved Brumby Jack and player appearances for schools, non-profit organisations, and other community service events will be provided free of charge.

Preference will be given to those requests/organisation which are located in the Brumbies region; and are rugby or community related.

Unfortunately the Brumbies do not support:

Religious or political organisations, unless it considers the benefit provided is genuinely charitable and available to the broader community on a non-denominational basis;

Organisations or groups who discriminate or limit membership based on race, gender, beliefs, class or cultural considerations.

Donation/Fundraiser Requests

As part of our community involvement, the Brumbies provides a finite allocation of Brumbies merchandise and tickets/game day hospitality to assist with fundraising and charity events.

No requests for cash donations or monetary sponsorships will be considered/approved.

Player Appearances

Brumbies Rugby makes available Brumbies players to attend a number of community events including school visits, charity days and hospital visits.

Please note that all requests must be submitted at lest 4 weeks prior to the scheduled event.

Players are unable to attend any appearance scheduled on any match day.

It is also highly likely that player appearances at events or activities occurring on the day before or after a game cannot be fulfilled, so we strongly recommend that requests for these dates are not submitted.

All appearances are scheduled for a maximum of 1 hour. Any extension of this may be considered but cannot be guaranteed.

Players will dress in team gear unless otherwise requested.

If there is a risk of injury associated with the appearance, such as athletic activity, players will not be permitted to participate.

Please note that player schedules are often subject to late change.

While Brumbies Rugby will always endeavour to fulfil all commitments agreed, occasionally due to a change in player availability or injury, player appearances may be cancelled or amended at late notice, or fulfilled by a replacement player.

For the same reason, we ask that you do not advertise the appearance of particular players.

Requests for players and/or coaches to attend events of a personal nature such as birthday parties or weddings will not be considered.


We do not accept items for signing. No items are to be sent to the club requesting autographs.

If any item is received it will be returned to the owner at the owner’s expense.

Each year the Brumbies will hold a number of open training sessions following which the players will make themselves available for an autograph signing session.

Details of these signing sessions will be made available via this website.

In addition, players will be available to sign autographs at the Members Meet the Players day scheduled to be held at the start of each year.

Brumby Jack

Brumby Jack is available to attend a finite number of community events including school visits, charity days and hospitals visits.

Brumbies Rugby will also on a case by case basis consider the provision of Brumby Jack to attend launches and commercial events.

Brumby Jack will not be able to attend any such events if they conflict with Brumbies Rugby sponsor or supporter organizations.

Community related events will have priority over other events.

Please note that for personal and commercial events such as birthday and Christmas parties, an appearance fee may be charged

Brumby Jack appearances are scheduled for a maximum of 1 hour of which 1/2hour is to be set aside for Brumby Jack to suit up and change out of the suit.

A “handler” is required to assist Brumby Jack suit up.

In the event that the Brumbies is unable to send a handler along with Brumby Jack, the organiser of the event will be required to provide one.

You will be advised of this at the time of booking confirmation.

Brumby Jack requires a small lockable room to change in and leave personal items while undertaking the appearance.

Make a request!